Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Water has no taste, no color, no odor; it cannot be defined.Not necessary to life, but rather life itself. It fills us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses.”This is a famous quote said by Antoine Saint-Exuperry. “Flow for the love of water” is an important documentary that explains how water is being used and what the adverse affects are. The documentary begins with mentioning the importance of water and then talks about the destruction caused by contaminated water.

The percentage of water on earth is 71% and part of that percentage is consumed by agriculture, industries and humans. However, our lives are threatened due to contaminated water. And this is caused by pollution, privatization and lack of care. Even though the purpose of privatization is providing people with potable water and sewage in many countries like El Alto(Bolivia) 208,000 people have been deprived from potable water service. In Bolivia, 1 in every 10 children mostly below the age five dies because of contaminated water. Those people are the victims of privatizations.( )

In Bomminan Padu in India, 70,000 innocent people died due to contaminated water. Ashok Gadgil is a senior staff scientist who claims that almost everyone in India has had an experience with the effects of contaminated water. He himself lost five of his cousins due to diseases caused by contaminated water. Contaminated water may contain pathogens, bacteria, viruses and many more which is very bad for the human body. It contains herbicides and pesticides like Atrazine which caused male frogs to become female. However, Ashok came up with an impressive idea where he could used UV to produce distilled water and hopefully many more productive solutions would be formed.

Our world has become a world of materialistic possessions, a world where money and power are more important than health. The greediness of those heartless people is leading us towards extinction. Companies like Nestle, Thames, Vivendi, Suez, Coca Cola and Pepsi were also mentioned in the documentary. Businesses, privatizations and corporate greed all play a part in this ugly process and unfortunately even we do, by using water in an unregulated amount. Definitely, we can’t control the amount of water we drink but we certainly can control the rate of usage. ( )

Dams are said to be used for the conservation of water while in fact there are many other ways of conserving water in a better, unharmful, and inexpensive way. In order to build dams people would have to move from their home leaving their farm which is their only way of getting food. Promises were made to those people but the authorities didn’t keep their word. The Katse dam that was built in Lesotho displaced 17,000 people and the 3 Georges Dam in China displaced 1.3 million people and there are many more. The construction of those dams should be stopped because it is the main cause of people being homeless, reduction in food production which ultimately would cause famine.( )

Water is being used as a commodity. The richer you are the better quality you would get and the poor are the ones who suffer. Nature has been used badly and now it is getting its revenge. How long would this last? How much will Nature be able to afford? “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.”So People should be aware of those problems and be more responsible. Solutions must be found and the problem must be solved before it’s too late.


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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

50 Words

Philippines : noun, “Republic of the Philippines”
- Philippines citizens are spread in most of the countries.

Proportion : noun, “ratio”
- The proportion of oranges and apples available in the supermarket is 20:30

Reached : verb, “arrived”
- The emirates airline reached the US at 7 am

Recommend : verb, “suggest”
- Doctors recommend having a healthy food diet and exercising

Relevant : adjective, “connected to the current subject”
- The lecture was about relevant topics

Religion : noun, “collection of beliefs concerning the origin of man and the universe”
- People have firm beliefs in their religion

Religious : adjective, “observant of religious laws and practices”

- Most religious people are against Charles Darwin’s theory

Represent : verb, “act as an agent on behalf of a person or organization”
- The UAE flag represents peace and prosperity

Resources : noun, “source of help”
- Agricultural resources are abundant in India

Respect : verb, “hold in high regard”
- One should treat others with respect in order to gain it.

Restaurant : noun, “business where customers can purchase and eat meals”
- Many nutritionists criticize restaurant food.

Reveal : verb, “make public”
- Muslim women are not allowed to reveal their hair nor their body.

Revolution : noun, “overthrow of the government”
- A strong government prevents revolution to take place.

Rhythm : noun, “regular pulse or accent”
- Romantic poets had a rhythm in their poems.

Salary : noun, “periodic wage paid to someone for work”
- Judgmental people judge men by the amount of salary they have.

Scene: noun, “place where an event occurs”
- Many scenes are censored in UAE cinemas.

Scholarship : noun, “financial grant given to a student to subsidize the cost of education”
- Hard working students aim to get a scholarship.

Second : noun, “unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute”
- One should use every second of every minute

Separate : verb, “segregate”
- The two countries separated due to unsolved monetary issues.

Several : adjective, “some”
- One should read several books a year.

Similar : adjective, “having common qualities”
- Many words have similar meanings

Sincere : adjective, “honest”
- Being sincere is a very rare quality.

Necessary : adjective, “something that is essential or imperative”
- Vitamins are necessary for our health.

Noise : verb, “make loud sound”
- Rock bands generate very disturbing noises.

Occur : verb, “take place”
- Accidents occur due to high speed .

Officer : noun, “policeman”
- The Police officer is very strict.

Official: adjective, “formal”
- The 3rd of Nov is the official opening of a store.

Opportunity : noun , “favorable time to act”
- I have an opportunity to become a doctor.

Orchestra : noun, “band composed of musicians of many different instruments”
- The famous orchestra played very well in the theater.

Origin : noun, “source”
- The origin of most English words is latin .

Party : noun, “political group”
- We had a very nice party last week.

Passions: nouns, “ardour”
- Love is a powerful passion.

People: noun, “human beings”
- There are many kinds of people in the world.

Percentage : noun, “rate or proportion per hundred”
- Ahmed's % in the math exam was 90%.
Period : noun, “length of time”
- Her loving husband had a very long mourning period.

Preferences : noun, “option within a menu that can be individually adjusted and determines the appearance or function of a program or operation system”
- My preference is Orange.

Preferred : adjective, “viewed as superior”
- Mohammed preferred Italian food over Mexican food.

Pressure : noun, “exertion of force”
- Atmospheric pressure may cause an airplane to fall .

Prevent : verb, “cause not to happen”
- Seat belts prevent accidents.

Price : noun, “cost”
- Prices are very high during inflation.

Problem : noun, “situation that requires a solution”
- If you have a problem call 999

Pizza : noun, “Italian dish made from baked dough covered in tomato sauce and cheese”
- I like eating pizza.

Pollution : noun, “contamination”
- Pollution is coused by burning fossil fuels .

Population : noun, “total number of people living in an area”
- The population of UAE is about 5M..

Possible : noun, “something that can be carried out”
- Everything is possible.

Properly : adverb, “correctly”
- You should use your medicines properly.

Property : noun, “characteristic”
- Each laptop has a different property.

Treatment : noun, “medical care”
- Most cancer treatments use radiation.

50 Words

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mobiles in business

Technology has a profound effect on our life. We use technology on a regular basis during our lifetime. In fact technology has become a necessity. There are many technological devices that we use regularly like televisions, laptops and mobile phones. However, mobile phones are mostly beneficial to businesses because it affects businessmen’s life directly by allowing communication hence making their life more organised and easier and it has become a part of life for millions of people across the world. (

Mobiles allow unlimited accessibility; for example if you are out of the office or your working area and your staff needs to reach you for an emergency cause or a crucial problem, you will be able to solve the issue while you are on the phone instead of going back to your office. A mobile phone in this case is the best and only available solution.
Mobiles also permit promoting products by using text messages; this feature allows one to finance updates and banking. It also keeps you updated with the latest important news. Moreover, there are other services that provide you with the information such as names, number and even the exact map of the caller. In addition mobiles give confidence to business men because they would be alert if any problem occurs to their business partners. Mobiles are also associated with cameras, which would allow businessesmen to capture pictures of their products or others products as well. (

There are services in mobile phones that keep you aware of the streets that are blocked or have traffic. However, the newer models of mobiles, that have the WAP and GPRS connections, allow you to receive your emails on your phone or even have notifications about your fax. As well, there is a new service made by a company named Vodafone, where one can transfer money internationally using his/her phone. This service is done to help businessmen who are working away from their country to send money to their families. The recipient receives notification of the transaction by a text message and can withdraw at any mobile outlet. Mobiles also have a feature known as a video call, where a businessman can communicate with his partners not only by hearing his voice but also visually.

Mobiles suggest faster and cheaper communication between businessmen thus making their job more productive and efficient which will increase their productivity and profits. (

Concluding, mobile phones are easy to use, inexpensive and reliable. A businessman will not be able to manage his business properly without a mobile. There are many technological devices that we can use in communication like the internet .However, mobile phones are mostly beneficial to businesses. And these days nobody can communicate with the others as easy as mobile phones. In my opinion I can say that the mobile phone is something important in our life for all cases and if there is anything important we want it we can make a call and finish it.


Monday, November 9, 2009


I will write a comparison between two of the most expensive and famous sport cars which are the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche 911 Turbo and I will write some of the most important information between the two cars. Also in this paragraph I will write about the similarities and differences between the Porsche 911 and the Bugatti Veyron.

There are few similarities between the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche 911 Turbo. The first similarity is that both of them have only 2 doors. The second similarity is that both of them are sport cars. Another similarity is that both of them are used in global races. Another similarity is that both of them are only for two passengers.

The first difference is the top speed of the Bugatti is 252 mph ( while the top speed in the Porsche is 193 mph ( ). Secondly, the Bugatti Veyron costs 1.4 million Euros ( ) whereas the Porsche 911 Turbo costs 150,862 Euro ( The third difference is the weight of the Bugatti is 4339 lbs ( while the weight of the Porsche is 3130 lbs. The fourth difference is the torque; the Bugatti Veyron has 922lb.ft ( whereas the Porsche 911 Turbo has only 460lb.ft. Another difference is the horse power; the Bugatti has 1001 hp whereas the Porsche has only 480 hp. Finally, from 0-60 mph, the Bugatti Veyron scored less than 2.7 seconds and the Porsche 911 Turbo scored 3.5 seconds.

In conclusion, I can say both of them are very good but the Porsche sells more than the Bugatti because the Porsche is cheaper. In my opinion, I advise anyone wants to buy one of these cars. I prefer the Bugatti because it’s faster and more beautiful and it’s better than the Porsche from every side.

309 words


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1964 Pontiac Grand Prix

The 1964 Grand Prix is one of the best-looking and most impressive Pontiacs ever. And it has nice wheels that are tucked a bit too far into the body. In many senses we are well rid of such excess. I understood that most Americans have big cars. The 1963 and 1965 Grand Prix models had visors over the stacked headlamps, but the 1964 has elegantly “frenched” lamps without excrescent, drag-producing elements. On this Grand Prix, the whole upper structure is pure, both classical and elegant. The overall look is insistently American, but the reverse curve at the leading and trailing edges of the rear pillars and the concave backlight refer to British knife-edge designs. Mitchell made a lot of use of “windsplits,” which he likened to creases in a well-pressed suit. There is one down the middle of the hood, one on each front fender, and a swelling version on the side of the rear fender, enlivening the simple side panels.

171 words

Works Cited Cumberford, Robert.
"1964 Pontiac Grand Prix." Automobile Sept. 2009: 18-19.

MLA referencing podcast summary

1-What is plagiarism?
-Using someone else’s words or ideas and representing them as your own.
2-What must you do avoid plagiarizing?
-Take careful and accurate notes as you research.
3-What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?
-MLA Modern Language Association APA American Psychological Association
4-What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from -various sources?
-Author’s name – Title of book - Date – pages.
5-When creating a reference for a book what comes first?
-Author name
6-What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?
-Article title
7-What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?
-Page numbers
8-What is the third item of information when referencing a website?
-The title of website.
9-What is last item of information when referencing a website?
-Date visited.
11-What comes before the URL in a database reference?
12-Where is the bibliography?
-At the end
13-What is in the bibliography?
14-When giving the author’s name which part of the name do you put first?
-Surnames/Family name - Butterfild, Hedley
15-How do you order items in the bibliography?
16-Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?
17-What information goes in an inline citation?
-Name – Date
18-Name one citation machine that can help you?
19-Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?
20-In Google type, ‘’HCT plagiarism.’’ Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. State what this consequence is.If you cheat you will be kicked from the college.

The three references


1- Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2008.

2- World of Health. Online ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2007.

3- Sick!. Ed. David Newton and Donna Olendorf. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2007.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wadi Warayah

Wadi Waryah is a marvelous area where more than 100 species of birds and other animals can be found. It is 169 sq km between the towns of Masafi, Khor Fakkan and Bidiyah. Wadi Waryah is recommended as a must-see in UAE off-road and tourist guides. It is one of the few remaining places in the world where the endangered Arabian Oryx still roams free. The wadi is also home to a type of rare fresh water fish. However, there is a protection plan to take care of this area. Staff from the Ministry of the Environment and Water patrol daily and their main concern is to protect it from illegal fishing and to prevent the extinction of endangered species.

118 words

Main Idea

Wadi Waryah is an exquisite and an extraodrinary place in the UAE which grabs the attention of many tourists because of its beautiful nature and rare animals.


In my opinion Wadi Warayah is an exceptional place with natural sites and rare animals that must be protected by the government . I advise the visitors to keep this area clean. I would also like to recommend the tourists to visit Wadi Warayah.